Solar panels on house which received an SEAI grant

2024 Solar grants guide

SEAI Solar grants for domestic / residential installations, updated for 2024 SEAI Grants

The SEAI solar grant is available for private residences where the applicant is the owner of the home. Reducing the cost of a solar PV system by as much as €2,100, the solar grant is a huge factor in making solar an affordable investment for ordinary families in Ireland. This page outlines everything you need to know about solar grants from how much you will get to when you receive the money.

At a glance: Solar grants for domestic / residential

The grant towards your new solar PV panels on homes & residential buildings comes from the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland), and just about all homes occupied before 2021 before are eligible.

The amount you get depends on the system size you have installed, measured by your solar panel's peak power output (in kW / kWp).

Example grant amounts:

System Size2024 Grant ValueSolar Panel Array
2.5 kWp
e.g. small 2 bed home
6-8 panels
3.0 kWp
e.g. larger 2 bed home
7-10 panels
3.5 kWp
e.g. standard 3-bed home
8-12 panels
4 kWp
e.g larger 3-bed home
9-13 panels
€2,100 is the maximum grant.
Larger installations get this maximum amount.

Other things you get installed (such as batteries and immersion diverters) do not effect the amount of the grant.

The grant takes the form of a once-off payment to a homeowner once all work has been completed.

You can also see our grant value calculator or see the full rules for grant values.

SEAI Solar Grant Calculator

SEAI solar grant values for both domestic / home solar, businesses, commercial, public buildings and other non-commercial organisations.

Choose your grant type:

Total solar array kWp:
Grant Value:

Your Grant Type:
SEAI Solar Electricity Grant

This grant applies to residential properties, occupied on 31st Dec 2020 (as defined by when the electricity meter was connected). Both homeowners and private landlords can avail of this grant. The maximum grant is €2,100, which you get for system of 4kWp or above.

More about SEAI domestic solar grants

Your Grant Type:
SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen Grant

This one is a bit of a mouthful - the NDMG or Non-Domestic Microgen Grant is the SEAI's catch-all grant for non-residential solar installations, including businesses, commerical solar, schools and other public buildings, farms, non-profit organisations and community centres.

This grant applies for solar panel systems from 1kWp right up to 1,000 kWp. There's no grant outside these limits. The maximum grant is €162,600, which you get for system of 1,000 kWp.

More about SEAI grants for business and other non-domestic buildings

How much is the grant worth?

The amount of grant support provided depends on the size of your installation. It's measured by the peak generation capacity of your solar panels, which is usually quoted in kW or kWp.

2024 rates

  • €800 per kWp for the first 2kWp
  • €250 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp
  • Total solar PV grant capped at €2,100, which you get at 4kWp or above

Examples for 2024 rates:

  • 2kWp system (approx. 5 panels) would get €1,600 of grant support
  • 3kWp system (approx. 7 panels) would get €1,850 of grant support
  • 4kWp system (approx. 10 panels), or anything larger, would get €2,100 of grant support

What cost can be covered under the solar PV grant?

The grant can be used towards purchasing and installing your solar PV system on your property; that is, equipment and labour.

What about batteries / immersion diverters etc?

The grant amount you received is only dependent on getting solar panels installed - there is no extra grant for things like batteries or immersion diverters.

There used to be a grant towards solar storage batteries, but that was discontinued by the SEAI a few years ago.

Am I eligible for a grant?

There are several criteria that you must meet to avail of the grant.

  • The property where the solar PV system is installed must be a private residence.
  • The applicant must be the owner of the existing home.
  • The property must have been built and occupied on or before the 31st of December 2020. The date your house was built is defined by your electricity meter's installation date.
  • Each property can only claim the PV solar grant once. If you move house though you can claim it again at your new house (assuming it doesn't already have PV panels installed).
  • Use an SEAI registered solar company (we are a registered company)
  • Use newly fitted materials and products and have work done that meets the SEAI's required standards
  • Get a BER assessment after the works are done using a BER assessor from SEAI's National Register.

How do I find out what sized system would be most appropriate for my home?

If you'd like to get a rough idea you can check out our Guide to Solar Panels Costs for Homes. It has example quotes for a range of house sizes so you can get an idea of what might fit on what sized home.

We also have a domestic solar calculator if you would like to play with the numbers yourself. It will tell you the space needed on your roof & likely annual electricity generation.

For something a more accurate, we will gladly give you your own custom quote for a solar PV installation. As part of the process, one of our engineers will come to your home and conduct an on-site assessment. We examine and consider factors like your energy costs, when you use your energy, house age and condition. We also examine the construction of your roof, the orientation of the building, the pitch of the roof, and any local shading effects from trees or adjacent structures. We use specialist solar design software to get exactly the right solution for you and your home to maximise your energy yield.

Can I get a solar PV system larger than 4kWp?

Yes, you can. However, the grant will only provide support for the first 4kWp of the system. There is no grant relief for additional kWp above this.

Does the grant only cover roof-mounted solar PV panels?

The solar PV scheme also supports ground mount systems that adhere to the PV solar scheme criteria.

Do I need planning permission to install solar panels to get grant approval?

No. SEAI grant approval is not tied to planning permission.

But what are the planning permission rules for home solar panels?

The installation of solar panels on domestic properties is exempt from planning permission. Since the 7th of October 2022, there is no longer a limit to the area of solar panels which can be installed on rooftops of homes, anywhere in the country. Solar installations will be able to cover the entire roof of a house. The 12m2 or 50% roof limit which previously applied to houses has been removed nationwide.

However, the are some exceptions. For example, under certain condition, properties that lie in solar safeguarding zones may have to seek planning permission. Solar safeguarding zones are necessary to address aviation safety concerns due to the potential impact of glint and glare arising from increased solar developments in proximity to sites such as airports and hospitals which have helipads.

Our engineers will be there to help you with this and advise you on planning permission stipulations.

More about planning permission for solar panels in Ireland.

How do I apply for a solar PV grant?

1. Pick your solar installation company

Before you can apply you need an agreement in place with an SEAI approved solar installer (like us). The installer you use must be registered with the SEAI for you to be eligible for the SEAI solar grant.

2. Apply via SEAI website

Apply on the SEAI website for solar electricity grant . You can use our SEAI Solar PV Grant Application Guide to help you through the application process. It is straightforward and we are here to help you if you've any questions. The approval is normally just about instantaneous - most people will receive an email in just a few minutes saying their SEAI solar panel grant is approved. You need this approval before works can commence.

3. Get your panels installed

Next is to get your solar panels installed and "commissioned", which is the fancy term for running the standard tests and turning your new system on.

4. Paperwork our end & the new BER certificate

As soon as your system is up and running we can send our paperwork into the SEAI. This is to confirm to the SEAI that we, as an SEAI registered solar installer, have fitted your system and it is up and running.

You also need a post-works BER certificate with your new improved building energy rating.

5. Receive your grant payment

It normally takes them around 6 weeks from receiving that confirmation until the money is in your account.

What information do I need to apply?

1. MPRN - the Meter Point Reference Number. This number appears on your electricity bill and is 11 digits long. The address associated with the MPRN will be the contact address used by SEAI for all postal correspondence. You should ensure that the details registered with ESB networks for this MPRN are correct and accurate.

2. The year in which your house was built and occupied (must be on or before the 31st of December 2020).

3. Your selected registered PV solar installation company

4. Details of the system to be installed

5. Your contact email address

Applications must be submitted by private individuals and not by companies or contractors. However, we understand how intimidating and complicated these things can seem, so our friendly and helpful team will be there to support you through the process.

Can PureVolt Solar help me with the SEAI grant application?

Of course. Thankfully it really is quite straightforward, but if you've any questions along the way just ask and we'll be glad to help.

What happens once the grant is approved?

You will receive notification that the grant has been approved via email. The first thing that must happen is that applicants must ensure that they accept their grant offer and the attaching terms and conditions.

Once you have accepted your grant offer, you have 8 months to complete the works and submit the all required documentation to the SEAI.

The next step is that your installation company must apply to ESB Networks to connect the solar PV system to the electricity network. They must do this before installing the solar PV system. This application process takes about 4 weeks.

Once this is complete, your installation company can begin your installation.

Can I change my mind on what system I am installing after grant approval?

The grant, once approved, is only payable in respect of the type of system and works that were laid out in your application and referenced in the grant offer.

Can I begin my installation while waiting for my grant to be approved?

No. Grant approval from SEAI must be in place before any purchase of materials or commencement of any works. Any installation or expenditure incurred before this will be deemed ineligible.

Will I receive the grant before installing my solar PV system?

No. The SEAI will only release grant payments once it receives confirmation that all the works and measures have been completed and the installation company has been paid.

How long does it take for the payment to come through?

When all the relevant documentation has been submitted online, it takes around 6 weeks for the SEAI to process your claim and make the payment. However, occasionally the SEAI will conduct inspections (see below, other information on grants). When this happens, your payment will take a little longer.

How will the grant payment be made?

Payments are only made by electronic fund transfer (EFT) into the bank account nominated by the homeowner on the application.

What happens once the solar panel installation is complete?

Once the solar panel installation has been complete, you must get a post works BER rating carried out on your home. We endeavour to make the whole process as easy as possible for you. Therefore, if you wish, we will organise this for you as an optional extra. Just speak with our engineer and let him know you would like us to take care of this for you, and we will arrange everything.

When the post works BER rating is done, we will complete a 'Declaration of Works' Form, which describes the works completed and ensure that we have all the necessary information and documentation to support the grant payment processing. We will submit all of this online for you.

Other information on grants

All installations may be subject to inspections by SEAI to verify that they match the grant claim, meet the scheme's requirements, or for quality purposes. Properties may be selected by a random sampling process, or chosen for specific reasons. The SEAI will notify homeowners before such inspections. Where selected, applicants are required to grant access to their home for inspection within a specified period, failure of which may lead to grant refusal or grant clawback. Applicants must give access to their home for inspection within 14 days of the initial request unless agreed otherwise.

The applicant may be requested to participate in follow-up research as may be commissioned by SEAI to establish the scheme's impacts and achievements. This will also include acquiring information and data for the development of case studies for wider dissemination (protecting as appropriate all personal data, confidential or commercially sensitive information).

The solar PV system, battery energy storage system and meter point data may be used by SEAI or its agents to assess the impact of micro-generation on the local electricity system and the development of future methods. SEAI may assess this data directly or share aggregated data with third parties for analysis purposes.

If you have any unanswered questions about solar panel installation and you would like to find out more, please visit our page on commonly asked questions

More Information

You can also find out more on the SEAI's website about Solar Electricity Grants .

The Citizen's Information website also has a good page about Individual home energy upgrade grants (Better Energy Homes) , which covers the solar grants amongst other home improvement grants.

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